
When you visit our website, information about you is collected and used to customize and improve our content, website usability, and advertisement relevance based on your preferences. If you do not wish to have this information collected about you, you should delete your cookies.
(see instructions), or opt-out of the cookies you do not wish to have collected. Below, we have elaborated on what information is collected, their purpose, and which third parties have access to them.


The website uses 'cookies', which are text files that are stored on your computer, mobile phone, tablet or other device you use to access this website. The purpose of cookies is to recognize the website, remember settings, improve the user experience, perform statistics, and target ads. Cookies cannot contain harmful code such as viruses.

It is possible to delete or block cookies. If you delete or block cookies, you may experience a reduction in user experience and design, as well as less relevant ads and more frequent ads. Since cookies are largely used to ensure user functionality, you may also risk that the website does not function optimally, and that there is content you cannot access.

We would like to inform you that all websites on the internet collect cookies. According to the new GDPR data law from 2018, it is a legal requirement for users to consent to websites collecting this data information.

We use cookies for statistics and targeted marketing from ourselves and from third parties. See which third parties we use here: Google (statistics cookies), and...

Personal information

Personal information is any type of information that can be attributed to you to some extent. When you use our website, we collect and process a range of information about you. This happens, for example, when you access content on the website. Information is collected about your email and name, as well as other information that you enter and give consent to when you:

  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Participate in competitions or surveys
  • Register as a user or subscriber
  • Contact us by email
  • Foretager køb via hjemmesiden
  • Make purchases through the website

Use other services We typically collect and process the following types of information when you visit our website:

  • A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone
  • Your IP number
  • Geographic location
  • Which pages you click on (interests).

To the extent that you explicitly consent and enter the information yourself, we also process: Name, phone number, email, address and payment information. This will typically be in connection with when you create a user or when making a purchase.


We process your personal information securely and confidentially in accordance with applicable law, including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act.

Your information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected and will be deleted when this purpose has been fulfilled or is no longer relevant.

We have taken technical and organizational measures to prevent your information from being accidentally or unlawfully deleted, disclosed, lost, impaired or disclosed to unauthorized persons, misused or otherwise processed in violation of the law.

If you wish to access, correct or delete data, you can always contact us. If the content is legally possible to delete in accordance with legislation, we can comply with this request.


The information is used to identify you as a user and show you the ads that will be relevant to you, to record your purchases and payments, and to be able to deliver the services you have requested. This can, for example, be to send a newsletter. In addition, we use the information to optimize our services and content.


The information is stored for the period allowed by law and we delete it when it is no longer necessary. The period depends on the nature of the information and the reason for storage. It is therefore not possible to specify a general timeframe for when information is deleted. In relation to payment information, this is securely and properly stored by NETS, and we only store information about transactions and purchases in accordance with accounting rules.


Data about your use of the website, which ads you receive and possibly click on, geographic location, gender and age, etc. are disclosed to third parties to the extent that this information is known. You can see which third parties are involved in the "Cookies" section above. The information is used to target our ads.

We also use a number of third parties for storage and processing of data. These process information solely on our behalf and may not use them for their own purposes.

Information collected through cookies is shared with the following third parties, which we can vouch for: Mailchimp, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Disclosure of personal information such as name and email, etc. will only be made if you consent to it.


You have the right to know what personal information we process about you in a standard format (data portability). You can also object at any time to the use of information. You can also revoke your consent to the processing of information about you. If the information being processed about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Inquiries can be made to our email. If you wish to complain about our processing of your personal information, you can also contact the Danish Data Protection Agency.

If you no longer want us to process your personal information or limit the processing of your personal information, you can also send us a request for this to the above email address.



Kunstplaner ApS

Kristianslund 70 B

4000 roskilde